Monday 16 February 2015

Hacker-Pschorr Superior

The "Superior" by Hacker-Pschorr is a seasonal fest-bier. This particular festival being Christmas, hence the snowy picture on the label. Basically it is a Helles (lager) but it is stronger in flavour and in ABV when compared to the usual garden varieties of Helles.

From the city of Munich (Oberbayern), Hacker-Pschorr claims to have been around since 1417. Now that we've got the boring bits out of the way...

Here's how the marketing types want you to see this beer; note the blurry chap in the background, no doubt enjoying himself:

And here is how the Bottle&Glass combo looks when I take a photo of it. With a crappy camera. In bad lighting. Next to a pot plant.

The pour is a rich yellowish-hay colour. My girlfriend advises me that hay is green. I beg to differ. Hay, is a sort of pale yellowish brown. On second thought, hay is probably too pale. Let's go with "rich yellow"...

It didn't detect much in the way of smell from this one. It is, shall we say, "clean" in that department. In light of the aroma I was not expecting a bitter beer. True to form, it isn't bitter. It sits on the sweeter side of Lagers. I could almost imagine peaches in there.. but let's not allow the imagination to run too wild. I must confess that I started this beer after a hot chilli meal. It was a rather good accompaniment. However I finished the bottle sometime later, after the chilli had worn off. By that point the slightly-sweet-but-clean finish left me slightly wanting. Wanting hops.

Overall a solid strong lager. Probably best for folks who don't drink darker beers, but still want a little extra ABV in the winter months.

I rate this one a weak 4 out of 7.

X X X X - - -

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